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Motivation to Build Muscle

At different stages throughout the year, I sometimes find myself lacking motivation when it comes to working out. This is only natural and it happens to everyone when trying to build muscle or improve fitness. However it’s those who can dig deep and find that motivation from somewhere, that end up reaching their goals.

Here’s a few tips to help you get motivated and get back in the gym:

What’s your Goal?

Determine what it is exactly that you want to achieve through training. Be as specific as you can. Do you want a washboard stomach? Or maybe you want to gain 10 pounds of muscle? Whatever the goal, write it down and put it somewhere that you’ll see it everyday. This will help you focus on your goal and motivate you to achieve it.

Plan your Workout

At the beginning of each week, plan which days you are going to go to the gym, and exactly what you will do when you get there. Make sure you select times and days that fit around any other plans you might have. Write down the exercises you plan to do and in the order you intend doing them. By doing this, you are more likely to stick to your routine as it gives your workouts more structure. You’ll also avoid wasting time deciding which exercise to do next.

Keep a Log

Keep a detailed record of your workout, including things like the number of sets, reps, and time spent in the gym. This will give you something to improve on everytime you workout. Whenever you need a little motivation, take a look through the log and see how much you’ve improved.

Quality over Quantity

Doing 10 good reps is better than doing 20 sloppy reps. Maintaining good technique throughout your workout will keep your sets concise but effective. If you adopt a sloppy attitude in the gym, chances are you’ll not see much improvement, and you’ll lack motivation in no time.

Take a Break

For every four weeks, take a week off. This will give your muscles time to rebuild and grow, and it’ll help to keep you motivated. Overtraining will leave you feeling tired and you’ll eventually hit a wall, which may put you off training altogether!

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program.